1. The Noun as part of speech…………………………………………5
1.1 General information……………………………………………….5
1.2 The noun category of the number and case……………………...9
1.3 The category of gender in English……………………………….12
1.4 Noun functions in a sentence……………………………………..14
2. The noun category of definite/indefinite…………………………..16
2.2 The definite article in the text of the feature film «The Lord of the Rings»………………………………………………………………………….16
2.2 The indefinite article in the modern English……………………..19
List of literature…………………………………………………………27
In ancient times, people paid attention to the fact that the words they used in their native language behave differently in speech. Some words refer to objects, others to actions, processes, and others to qualities and properties of objects. Some words inflected for case, while others change according to persons and times, etcetera.
These observations, which were noted by ancient Indian and ancient Greek grammarians, gave them the basis for distinguishing two distinct categories of words - the name and the verb. Aristotle (384-322 BC) distinguished three parts of speech-nouns, verbs, and conjunctions.
Modern English is an analytical language in its structure, that is, it has a grammatical structure in which the connection of words in a sentence is expressed mainly by the order of words and by means of service words-prepositions and conjunctions. But Old English was a synthetic language, that is, a language in which the connection of words in a sentence is expressed mainly by changing the words themselves. In the Old English a system of inflection forms was developed: nouns had a developed system of declension and a category of grammatical gender, adjectives were consistent with nouns in gender, number and case, verbs had special forms for expressing finite and non-finite forms, etcetera. These processes in the language were reflected in the works of A. I. Smirnitsky , I. P. Ivanova , V. N. Yartseva and other scientists.
Changes in the meaning of words did not occur spontaneously. They were subject to certain laws that were formed depending on the specific historical conditions for the development of production and any other activity of the people and on the connections of old and new concepts that arose in the popular consciousness of the people, as a reflection of the actual historical relations.
The object of this study is English noun.
The subject of the research is categories of the noun in English.
The purpose of this work is to study the position of the noun in modern English.
The tasks of the work include:
- define the noun as part of speech in English;
- consider the categories of number, gender, and case;
- study the main approaches to classifying nouns;
- define the main functions of nouns in English;
The novelty of this work is determined by the tasks, that is the direction of the analysis not only on the linguistic part of the issue, but also on the cultural one.
The theoretical significance of this work is to use it for further development of common methods for studying English grammar using analytical tools of the language.
The practical significance of this work is that it can be used as an illustrative material in English grammar lessons in high school for a deeper study of the noun and the formation of compensatory competence.
The theoretical basis of this research is the scientific developments in the field of grammar of the following scientists: V. D. Arakin, L. S. Barkhudarov, D. A. Steling, M. Ya. Bloch, B. A. Ilish, A. I. Smirnitsky and others.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of literature.