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Yalta conference as a mechanism of generations continuity revival

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Essey Yalta conference as a mechanism of generations continuity revival

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Crimean (Yalta) Conference (February 4-11, 1945) was held with the participation of Heads of Governments: Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. The conference discussed the fundamental questions concerning the end of the Second World War, including, the terms of the Germany surrender, the areas of its occupation, reparations. Also, the negotiators agreed to convene conference to create the United Nations on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco.

The Yalta conference was not just another agreement of states; it was the beginning of a new era, where like the whole world hopes through the creation of the United Nations will not be place for wars and conflicts. Yalta Conference was the establishment of a link in the continuity of generations on that stage of development of mankind. Continuity of generations is one of the most important phenomena in the society, because thanks to it the past, the identity of social groups and the society are preserved, the vector of its further development is determined.

Once the link between generations is broken, society falls into a deep crisis. It affects all areas, bringing to life the phenomenon of alienation from everything, from everyone and from myself. The depersonalization of the individual conditions of social life becomes "not full life" and people of this society turn into being with a guide on the implementation of the principle "only here and now." Only the revival of the connection between generations brings hope for a way out of the social impasse and acquiring a new quality, which guarantees a sympathetic perspective humane society and social man.



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