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The content


1.About company «Severstal»

2.Company analysis «Severstal»

2.1 PEST analysis

2.2 SWOT analysis

2.3 Porter's 5 Forces analysis


The list of references


The relevance of the work. Ferrous metallurgy encompasses the entire process from the extraction and preparation of raw materials, fuel, auxiliary materials to the production of rolled products further processing. The value of ferrous metallurgy is that it serves as a basis for the development of mechanical engineering (one third of the produced metal is in engineering), construction (1/4 of the metal is in construction). Besides steel products has export value. The composition of the ferrous metallurgy consists of the following main sub-sectors: -extraction and concentration of ore for ferrous metallurgy (iron, manganese and chromite ores); -mining and processing of nonmetallic raw materials for ferrous metallurgy (flux limestone, refractory clay, etc.); -production of ferrous metals (iron, steel, rolled products, of ferro-alloys, metal powders ferrous metals); -the production of steel and cast iron pipes; -coke production (coke production, coke gas, etc.); -secondary processing of ferrous metals (cutting of scrap and waste of ferrous metals). The actual metallurgical cycle is the production of iron, steel and rolled products. The enterprises producing iron[1], steel and rolled steel, apply to the metallurgical enterprises of complete cycle. In Russia created three metallurgical base: Ural, Central and Siberian. The number and size of market participants Production of ferrous metals in 2009 fell to its lowest level in the last 5 years: production of steel amounted to 59,2 million tons, pig iron production is 44.8 million tonnes. Exports of ferrous metals from Russia during the period 2005-2009 decreased from 49.3 million tonnes to 37.3 million tonnes. On the metals market in 2010 and subsequent years, a major impact will be to the overall recovery of the world economy and industry, especially the situation in China, the world's largest consumer of metals. Leading manufacturers of ferrous metals in Russia is Novolipetsk metallurgical plant, Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, Severstal[2], Nizhny Tagil metallurgical combine, West-Siberian metallurgical plant. Overall, the sector is characterized by a predominance of the share of exports compared with domestic consumption in total output (see table.1). Table 1 The share of exports in total sales for some enterprises of ferrous metallurgy and the industry in General

The company

Sales volume in 2010. (mln.)

export volume in 2010 (mln.)

The share of export in sales,%


2 101,1

1 067,1


Magnitogorsk iron and steel works

1 649,4



Novolipetsk steel

1 373,4



This is related to such characteristics of the sector, as the dependence of the total output from exports; dependence on trade policies of the importing countries; the need for government support; competition among producers in the CIS, which becomes most acute with the reduction of export opportunities. The dependence of the volume of output of industry from export opportunities results in the fact that with the reduction in exports reduces the investment activity of enterprises, and hence the possibility of further development.

[1] Exploring Strategy ' Publishing house “Williams” Moscow "Saint Petersburg" Kiev 2007, page 71

[2] Exploring Strategy ' Publishing house “Williams” Moscow "Saint Petersburg" Kiev 2007, page 89


Metal is the Foundation, the Foundation of modern industry. From the development of metallurgy to a large extent on the growth of all sectors of the economy, transport and construction. Metallurgical complex includes two industry black and nonferrous metallurgy.3 Ferrous metallurgy includes mining and concentration of ore, extraction of non-ore raw materials, coke production, production of refractory materials, the actual steel production of refractories, metallurgical production (blast-furnace, steelmaking, rolling, manufacturing of ferroalloys), pipe and hardware manufacturing, and secondary processing of ferrous metals. The most important iron alloys is an alloy with carbon. Carbon imparts strength to iron alloys. These alloys form a large group of iron and steel. Iron was in commercial use before our era. In ancient times it was received in a plastic condition in the furnace. The slag was separated by squeezing it from the sponge iron, the hammer. As the technique of iron production gradually increased, the temperature at which the process was conducted. Metal and slag steel melt; it became possible to split them much fuller. But at the same time in the metal increases the content of carbon and other impurities, metal became brittle and nakovkin. So there was a cast iron. Later learned how to process iron; originated two-stage method of producing iron from ore. In principle, it is kept up to date: the modern scheme of steel production consists of a domain process in which ore is obtained from the iron and steelmaking redistribution, leading to a decrease in the metal amount of carbon and other impurities. High modern level of metallurgical production based on theoretical research and discoveries made in various countries, and on a wealth of practical experience. Considerable share in this process belongs to the Russian scientist. For example, Russian scientists were the first widely used natural gas for blast furnace


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