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Assisting a patient with taking a shower

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Essey Assisting a patient with taking a shower

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Mariia Chaikovskaia



The Open College, Unit 9, Leopardstown Business Centre, Ballyogan Rd, Dublin 18

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1

Planning of the showering..................................................................................................... 2

Assisting with toileting.......................................................................................................... 3

Reflection............................................................................................................................ 8


Water treatments are an integral part of daily patient care. These include morning and evening washing, ablution of the skin and showering, also hygiene of the genital area. Depending on the degree of activity of the patient, it is necessary to purchase certain devices that facilitate daily hygiene.

If the patient is confined to the apartment space, you need to create all the conditions for a safe and comfortable bath and shower. Full-fledged water treatments have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the patient: the feeling of cleanliness and freshness raises the mood and relaxes, helping to forget about the disease. 


In my opinion, the client's bathing went well. I take all precautions for the client's safety. I think it is better to do more for safety than to miss anything. When I rub the lotion on the patient, I also apply the knee gel prescribed by the doctor. It is important to indicate this in the report, so that it is possible to track the dynamics of the disease.

In retrospect, could I have handled the situation differently? It seems to me that I took into account all the main points of bathing the patient and follow his features and wishes.

Based on my practice, elderly patients do not like to conduct hygiene procedures and are often critical. At such times, I feel depressed, because I have to spend a lot of time talking about explanations. At that moments, you should be more patient and understand why the patient does not want to take water treatments. It is worth explaining WHY this is necessary for the patient, because it can prolong his life.

I will reflect on how future situations similar to this develop, looking for an improvement in the quality of my patient care.


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