It was observed the company, which situated in London, UK. It also has offices in Harlow and Woking. It is a firm of construction and property consultants. Company was founded in 1985 by a brother and sister to provide cost consultancy and building surveying services to public and private sector clients undertaking new build and refurbishment projects. Has since grown to employ a staff of 120. Turnover in 2014-15 was approximately £11.2m.
To write the following items of work methods were used: synthesis, analysis, comparison.
This company is a long established multi-disciplinary firm of construction and property consultants. They operate on a broad-based business platform that encompasses both public and private sector clients to promote sustainable growth and stability.
In providing exceptional service to our clients and pursue a flexible and innovative approach to the challenges the company encounter on their behalf. The firm are committed to ethical business practice in every aspect of our operations, from their dealings with clients, to the way we manage their people, to respecting and mitigating the environmental impact of projects.
Being a multi-disciplinary company means that they are constantly involved in a wide variety of construction issues. By utilizing knowledge drawn as a result of this and always thinking laterally across range of disciplines, we are able to add value to all that we do.
The company offer a partnering approach to all our commissions with emphasis on ensuring that all stakeholders in a project support its objectives and benefit from its completion. In all cases their services are targeted towards achieving the wider regenerative benefits which sustainable re-investment can bring to a locality.
Dainty, A., & Loosemore, M. decide that the construction sector is one of the most complex and problematic are within which to manage people. As a result, the applicability of much mainstream human resource management (HRM) theory to this industry is limited. Indeed, the operational realities faced by construction organizations mean that all too often the needs of employees are subjugated by performance concerns. This has potentially dire consequences for those who work in the industry, for the fi rms that employ them and ultimately, for the prosperity and productivity of the industry as a whole.
After reading this firm and its operating principles, we can determine a correct structure of the firm.
It was observed that of all the structures of the organization most appropriate for this company will be functional organizational structure. This type of organization structure is the functional organizational structure, which focuses on job functions or functional areas.
As you can see, companies use this type of structure when they want to organize their operations into departments, grouping employees with shared skills and knowledge, such as marketing or sales, together.
So, in this company there are many areas of expertise: project management, building surveying, cost management, health and safety, development monitoring, commercial due diligence, energy and sustainability.
Functional departments arguably permit greater operational efficiency because employees with shared skills and knowledge are grouped together by functions performed. Each group of specialists can therefore operate independently with management acting as the point of cross-communication between functional areas. This arrangement allows for increased specialization.
N. Anand Richard, l. Daft think that in a functional structure, activities are grouped together by common function from the bottom to the top of the organization.
Each functional activity – accounting, engineering, human resources, manufacturing, etc. – is grouped into a specific department. Most small companies use this structure, as do many large government organizations and divisions of large companies.
In this kind of organization structure, people are classified according to the function they perform in the organization. The organization chart for a functional organization structure shows you the president, vice president, finance department, sales department, customer service department, administration department, etc.
Each department will have its own department head, and he will be responsible for the performance of his section. This helps the organization control the quality and uniformity of performance.
These different departments are sometimes referred to as “silos”. This means the system is vertical and disconnected. The communication flows through the department heads to the top management.
Here all authority (i.e. budget allocation, resource allocation, decision making, etc.) stays with the functional manager. Usually the position of the project manager does not exist in this type of organization structure. Even if this position exists, the role of the project manager will be very limited and he will need permission from the functional manager to fulfill his requirements. The project manager may have the title of a coordinator or an expediter.