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Different dihavior habits of students, as a reflection of the country of their origin

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Essey different dihavior habits of students, as a reflection of the country of their origin

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There are about three thousand nations and more than two hundred sovereign states today in the world. Each ethnos, state, people, nation is characterized by its historical and economic way of development, its own culture, its behavior.

First of all, let us define the notion of culture. Culture is referred to as behavior, a set of beliefs, habits and traditions shared by a group of people and assimilated by people who are part of this society. The elements of culture with the deepest roots are a set of values and fundamental assumptions accepted as a must and shared by a group of people. All of the above implies that culture includes certain values that are common to a group of people specifies by the environment in which these people have grown up and that to some extent affects their behavior within and outside the organization.

Individual differences are very important. When we describe cultures, we talk about "typical" values, beliefs, attitudes and "norms" of behavior. So, different people have their own distinctive features, according to which we can express in one or two words the main characteristic of a representative of a particular country.

So, Belarusians are considered to be tolerant and patient, Germans are pedantic, English are smug, French are thought to be economic, Americans are freedom-loving, etc. And all these features are reflected in the behavior of people all ages and belonging to different social groups: employees within the organization, students in their attitude to studies and to their friends, youth in communication with fellows.

Religion and economic situation of the country, interaction with other countries and political structure also have a great significance for behavioral characteristics of each particular nation.

Let us examine in more detail some of the features of the behavioral characteristics of student youth in different countries (Russia, the United States and some European countries), which have direct influence of different cultural features.

First of all, we should note such distinguishing features as collectivism and individualism. Former USSR countries are characterized as the ones that have a tension to interact in the team. Russia, in accordance with the scale of Hofstad, can be attributed to a group of countries with predominantly collectivist inclinations.

In Russia, collectivism is more valued than individualism. So, students consider group solutions to be more attractive than individual ones. We all remember the proverb: "One head is good, but two is better". Perhaps, it also hides a latent desire for a collective solution of problems. And it does not always obligatorily mean shifting responsibility to others, but it shows that a person feels more confident when his opinion is supported by the approval of others. But to some extent we could speak of shifting responsibility to others as well.

If we want to project these arguments on student youth, it is worth remembering how willingly Russian students work together. It is a common practice among the students to have joint preparation for their exams, when they search necessary materials, find literature and even the writ the so called cribs and short answers to exam questions together – all the work is done by several students, and it allows them significantly to reduce time and effort.

For European countries and the United States, collectivism is a more alien phenomenon and gives way to individualism. It is quite possible to characterize these behavioral models by the phrase "If not me, then who?". Students from the United States can be characterized as people with strong tension to independence and the desire to rely only on themselves and their skills and abilities.


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