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Statistical study of oilseeds production

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1.1. The subject and tasks of statistics in modern agricultural crop production. 5

1.2. The system of statistical indicators crops and methods of calculation. 7


2.1. Distributing rows and them graphic image. 10

2.2. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows. 17

2.3. Selective method. 34

CHAPTER III. Correlation analysis of the efficiency of crop production. 38

3.1. Analysis of multiple correlation. 38

3.2. Non-parametrical correlation. 49




At the present stage of development of agriculture in Ukraine is becoming increasingly evident need for scientific, theoretically based approach to production. The study of the internal laws crop is impossible without the use of methods of statistical science. It should be borne in mind that agriculture has a number of features compared with other sectors of production. And with these natural and economic, economic and socio-economic characteristics of the system is related indicators in content and form substantially differ from that of the other branches of material production.

Natural-economic characteristics of agriculture appear that the economic process of reproduction is closely intertwined with the natural reproduction of plants. Agricultural production is largely dependent on climatic conditions. It should be stressed and the seasonality of production at which manifests uneven labor and means of production and reception of products throughout the year.

Economic characteristics are that reproduction is made directly on the basis of their own in kind. This leads to the fact that most of the products is in agriculture and used to resume production.

Socio-economic characteristics of agriculture found that the products of this industry manufacture enterprises which are based on different forms of ownership. In recent years, new organizational form.

Therefore, given the specificity of agriculture, the procedure of statistical analysis of production statistics tools should reflect the needs of production, and statistical indicators should enable to draw conclusions and develop recommendations on how to efficient and effective management in the conditions of our time.

Particular attention should be paid to the study of various forms of economic development lease, contractors, cooperatives, joint relations. Under these conditions, a statistical analysis of crop should be aimed at improving the economic mechanism of activity, introduction of scientific and technical progress and excellence, the formation of workers in the sector of economic thinking skills. The aim of this work is the study and analysis of data on the profitability of sunflower production in total 25 regions, to find the average, to grouping regions according to various criteria, to identify the main internal laws of the installation profitability of sunflower, find out the extent of influence on the profitability factors such as the selling price and direct material costs. During the execution of work will be required to use basic methods of statistical analysis, learn to practice the theoretical principles of science. In addition, you should also familiarize yourself with the objectives and performance statistics plants and identify the main trends in the development of statistics in modern Ukraine.


The aim of this work is the study and analysis of data on the profitability of sunflower production in total 25 regions, to find the average, to grouping regions according to various criteria, to identify the main internal laws of the installation profitability of sunflower, find out the extent of influence on the profitability factors such as the selling price and direct material costs. During the execution of work will be required to use basic methods of statistical analysis, learn to practice the theoretical principles of science. In addition, you should also familiarize yourself with the objectives and performance statistics plants and identify the main trends in the development of statistics in modern Ukraine.

The theoretic part of work engages exploration thing, assignments and the systems of indexes the statisticians of animal husbandry, further to this got acquainted with base normative documents.

Having conducted base practical accounts we can affirm that average level of level of profitability equal to 24,02 and it fluctuation is ±10,75 or on 44,76%; average selling price equal to 295,7836 and it fluctuation is ±25,07 or on 8,48%; average part of direct material costs equal to 163,0812 and it fluctuation is ±31,54 or on 19,34%.

Then by constructing a model of multiple correlation, we can say that the variation of the level of profitability of sunflower on due to the influence factors and , and the remaining of the unaccounted influence of random factors. So, calculated the rank coefficient of correlation we can say, that between resulting and first factor sign observed straight correlation, but between resulting and second factor sign observed no straight correlation.


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