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Ethical and legal implicatios of being a professional in the construction

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Essey Ethical and legal implicatios of being a professional in the construction

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Abstract 3

Introduction. 4

Ethical and Legal Implication of Being a Professional in the Construction Industry. 5

Conclusions. 7

References. 8


A builder is a specialist engaged in the construction of engineering structures of any type. For example, houses, bridges or railroad tracks. Almost everything that we see, builders moved from the drawing to reality.

Historically, the profession appeared in ancient times, when construction work was performed by multimillion work teams consisting of slaves later this work became a hired labor.

The beauty of the city, the appearance of its streets and squares depends on the work of builders. Therefore their work is of special honor. To a large extent the quality of our life and its comfort are ensured to us by builders.

Builders can be divided into two categories.

  • Engineer-builder is the leader of the whole project, whose duties include the selection of specialists-performers for various works, its organization and monitoring.
  • Performers are builders of various specialties, such as the crane operator, mason, roofer, electrician, electric gas welder, painter, finisher and others.


The construction industry plays an important role in the economic contribution for the development of the country.[1]

To be a good specialist you need good knowledge of construction work, the skills of owning general and specific construction tools. Personal qualities include diligence, perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, perseverance and the desire to bring the matter to the end. Excellent physical shape and endurance will ensure high productivity in work. Of course, the builder must adhere to ethical standards in society, family and personal life, as well as the generally accepted rules of service relations.

[1]https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257715457_Ethical_Issues_in_the_Construction_Industry_Contractor's_Perspective (accessed Feb 08 2018)


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