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Table of Contents

1 Introduction. 2

2 Analysis. 3

2.1 Current Economic Situation in Russia. 3

2.1.1 Scenarios of economic development and Economic Institutions. 3

2.2 Current Economic Situation in USA.. 5

2.2.1 Socio-Economic Scenarios of European Development 6

3. Conclusions and Recommendations. 8

References. 10

Appendix 1. 11

1 Introduction

The world economic picture remains largely overcome. In particular, Somalia has witnessed the Euro area, and it is primarily due to the crisis, continues to have a negative impact on economic growth of developing the rank of Central and Eastern Europe. Thus, the Bank of Austria has already stated that geopolitical tensions are getting on the developments in the Euro area in the coming quarterly. Deli Special attention to the fact that on the territory of Central Europe is expected to more positive growth prospects, while in the Balkans, the development may be negative.

In the last decade, earlier the IMF has lowered its forecast for economic growth 23 countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe to 1.2% in 2014. The reason for this was the Ukrainian crisis.

Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion, the situation is getting worse, and it can be seen even with the naked eye. Forecasts of the vast majority of analysts are also not encouraging. Apparently, the coming year will be very difficult for everyone. However, it should remember that on the Russian economy have just enormous importance of the external factors. Moreover, it is necessary to change for the better at least one of them, as will be notice serious progress. Contrary to any pessimistic and even "basic" forecasts from the IMF and other financial institutions of the world. It`s showed the complexity of the global business and culturally acceptable guidelines.[17]

Management comforting for Russia after a brief analysis of the inflation rate. Over the past 12 months, it has reached a record high of almost 12 per cent. In 2018, almost all experts predict its fall in the future to 15-17%. And "taxi" at a fairly comfortable values of 7-8% inflation is only in the case when the quotations of oil will start to grow.

In addition, Russia has its own resources to take steps to overcome the crisis. To date, they are clearly not enough for a rapid takeoff. However, gradually all stakeholders get used to difficulties, automatically reduces the level of effort required for economic recovery.[19]

America is often accused of having a low share of real production in its economy compared to hypertrophied services. That's kind of fair. But there are nuances. Indeed, in the structure of GDP, the production of tangible goods takes only 20%. All the rest – a variety of services. Among financial activity-more than 30%. Education, health and social services – 25%. Trade-20%. At the same time, 70% of GDP is focused on domestic consumption. This picture began to form after the 1970s, when they began to talk about the stage of post-industrial development.[13]

America has bad production facilities and at the same time, part of the production remains in the United States. The quality of products ( is very important) at a high level. If desired, America can regain its industrial capacity outside the country. But it will be difficult to implement and impractical. It has tried to do. However, the expensive dollar and high salaries in the United States create serious obstacles to this. It is also important to understand that the expanded service sector in the United States is not considered a problem. Americans argue that this is a normal situation for the post-industrial economy. The States now have the world's most developed financial market, is constantly creating a variety of complex investment tools. Therefore, the country continues to have an impact on the world's monetary system.


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