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Lexical repetition as a stylistic device used to increase the degree of emotion

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1.1. Lexical repetition as a stylistic device. Functions of lexical repetition


1.2. Classification of lexical repetitions……....……………………….…




2.1. Lexical repetition in political speeches……………………..…………


2.2. Lexical repetition in fiction….………………………………….……..







In modern linguistics great attention is paid to repetition. It serves a great number of functions, possesses high degree of expressiveness and emotionality, reflects author's views and values, and intensifies expressiveness of speech.

At the same time repetition is manifold, complex, and diverse phenomenon. This has led to accumulation of a great amount of studies concerning different types of repetition and their functions. Nevertheless theoretical material on repetition remains discrete and requires summarizing. All aforesaid determines the rationale of the study.

The purpose of this study is to explore lexical repetition as stylistic device used to increase the degree of emotion.

The specific objectives of the study were to:

1. to sum up theoretical material about lexical repetition;

2. to determine functions of lexical repetition as stylistic device;

3. to describe types of lexical repetition;

4. to analyze emotive role of lexical repetition in political speeches and fiction.

Subject matter of the study is repetition as stylistic device.

Method of descriptive analysis, method of continuous sampling, unit-of-delivery method, and literary analysis were applied in the study.

The results of the research may find application in studying of different courses, such as stylistics, lexicology, language and translation studies etc.

The paper is organized in introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the resources.

Introduction defines the rationale of the study, its purpose, specific objectives, methodology, subject matter of the study, and its practical value.

Chapter 1 “Theoretical Approaches to Lexical Repetition” reviews the concept of lexical repetition in modern linguistics, its functions and types.

Chapter 2 “Lexical Repetition as a Stylistic Device Used to Increase the Degree of Emotion” explores emotive functions of lexical repetition in different functional styles (political speeches and fiction).

Conclusion presents the results of the investigations made in the study.

The resources include 13 titles. The paper consists of 28 pages.


The presented analyses allow to make following conclusions:

1. Repetition is considered one of the basic principles of the art of literary composition and rhetoric. Repetition possesses a wide range of functions – it serves to convey and intensify various psychological and emotional states of characters in literary works, their and the author’s attitude towards the things described; to produce a humorous effect; to make an emphasis; to form composition, etc.

Lexical repetition is a powerful means of emphasis and serves to create a specific acoustic effect and emotional atmosphere of the passage, or the whole text. It adds rhythm and balance to an utterance, a prose passage, or a poetic work.

There exist different classifications of lexical repetition. The simplest classification of repetition is based on the part of speech to which the repetitive units belong. According to the place of their occurrence, lexical repetitions are usually classified into anaphora, epiphora, framing, сatch repetition, сhain repetition, ordinary repetition, successive repetition, distant repetition. Synonymic repetition forms separate type of lexical repetition.

2. In order to present their political arguments to their audience politicians use a certain language. They take advantage of using the linguistic system as a manipulative way to achieve certain political aims. Repetition is the most typical stylistic device of oratorical style which enables the listeners to follow the speaker and retain the main points of his speech.

The analysis of president Obama’s Inaugural Speech has demonstrated that a myriad of lexical repetitions have been used so as to hang sentences and ideas together. The analysis has shown that the most productive types of lexical repetition in his speech were distant repetition, synonymic repetition, and anaphora.

D. Trump’s address is shorter but even richer with different types of lexical repetitions. He as well uses lexical repetition to emphasize the strategy in his speech, to arouse certain emotions in the receivers of the address, and to propose his ideology, to attract his voters and opponents, and to persuade on the audience.

The most significant role in political speeches belongs to distant repetition. Its purpose is to create a sense of topic maintenance and make the text coherent. It is the key-words of their speeches and they reflect the main ideas of their addresses, i.e. serves as a conductor of the main ideas of the speech. At the same time, the most impressive and emotive character belongs to framing and successful repetition.

The role of lexical repetition is somewhat different in fiction the function of persuasion is not as vital as in political speeches. In fiction repetition provides the logical emphasis that is necessary to attract a reader’s attention on the key-words of the text, helps to create word picture, and reflects emotive coloring of the utterance.

Hopefully, this study, which can capture neither the breadth nor the depth of the linguistic phenomenon of lexical repetition, will pave the road for subsequent studies about a highly important topic like the one in hand. Therefore, such studies could identify more about emotive functions in political discourses, as well as in fiction works.


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